Who Are Indiana’s Consulting Foresters And What Do We Do?
Consulting foresters are independent professionals who serve landowners by managing their forests and ethically marketing forest products on their behalf. Members of our association work directly with woodland owners and Indiana’s wood-using industries to harvest trees in a manner that sustains and strengthens our state’s beautiful forests.
Because members cannot buy timber and must always work in the landowner’s best interest, you can count on unbiased advice and expert opinions. A consulting forester can offer guidance on adding to, sustaining, and regenerating tree growth to deliver a healthy and sustainable woodland. A forester can help you add recreational features such as trails to your woodlands, show you ways to enhance habitats that draw and sustain wildlife, and help you protect streams that run through or along your property.
A Variety of Services
Consulting foresters provide services that include:
- Consulting
- Timber marking, marketing and sale administration
- Timber inventories and appraisals
- Forest management plans
- Timber stand improvement
- Tree planting
- Invasive species management
- Controlled burning
- Other Services
High Professional Standards
To join our association, someone must:
- be a professional forester specializing in forestry consulting for the general public.
- have earned at least a Bachelor’s degree with a major in forestry from an approved college or university.
- have practiced professionally for at least 5 years.
- successfully complete specific continuing education programs and continue to obtain credits.
- comply with the ACF’s professional and ethical standards.